The Rotary International year runs from June 30 through July 1. Through the leadership of our Club President Ted Morris and the hard work and generosity of our members, The Rotary Club of Clearwater accomplished so much this past year.
A new program that was inaugurated this past year was the Veterans’ recognition program, with over 20 veterans who were individually recognized for their service to our country. We heard recently from one of our members about her husband’s grandfather the only World War 2 veteran of 102 years young, who was among those who were honored that day. Although he passed just a few weeks ago, even in his final days, he mentioned this event, and how much it meant to him. Another recipient noted that this is the very first time that he had been individually recognized for his service in Vietnam.
Overall, with the partnership of the Club’s foundation, Charities Inc, approximately $150,000 has been provided for the betterment of our community and the world this past year!
The District Governor has presented each club with a list of various criteria that serve as goals to be achieved. These are in a variety of areas such as:
There is a minimum of 250 points needed to achieve the Governor’s Citation and our club exceeded this figure by 70 points!
As we approach the new Rotary year and our Club centennial, all of us can be proud of The Rotary Club of Clearwater – and for our continued support to our community.